Hydraulic straightening presses for sheet metal are efficient and versatile machines designed to restore the shape and flatness of deformed or damaged sheet metal.
The process occurs through the controlled application of hydraulic pressure on specific points of the metal piece, which gradually brings the material to the desired shape.
Our hydraulic straightening presses are cutting edge in terms of performance and precision. These machines are designed for the metalworking industry, where sheet metal straightening is a crucial step in the production of components for various industries, including automotive, aerospace and electronics.
What makes the metalworking presses produced by Sicmi exceptional is their ability to precisely manipulate sheet metal of different sizes and thicknesses, ensuring uniform, high-quality results. This level of precision is critical to meeting the needs of customers who require components without deformations or defects.
Sicmi pays the utmost attention to the safety of its products. Each hydraulic press is equipped with advanced safety systems designed to protect operators during work operations. This commitment to safety is reflected in the company’s philosophy of quality and reliability.
The company also stands out for its first-class customer service. Work closely with customers to customize solutions to their specific needs, providing technical advice, training and after-sales support.
The electro-hydraulic straightening presses produced in Italy by the Sicmi company are synonymous with excellence in the metalworking industry. Our dedication to quality, safety and customization of solutions has positioned us as an industry leader, successfully serving customers around the world and contributing to the progress and efficiency of the manufacturing industry.
Visit the section dedicated to the range of presses for metal straightening for more information.